In mathematics, you don't understand things. You just get used to them. — von Neumann Although I'm now retired, some students and former students may still find some of the information I posted while I was still an active faculty member to be useful. Some of the information and links are outdated and I plan on updated them as time permits. Ironically, I often feel I have much less free time in retirement than I used to have.After my retirement, my wife and I made two moves. We now winter in Netanya, where I am able to enjoy my breakfast in our small apartment there looking out over the Mediterranean, and summer in Massachusetts, where our home is much larger but the view doesn't compare. I also spend more time confronting the rampant misinformation and distortions spread about the Arab-Israeli conflict than I spend with mathematics and founded two new organizations, PRIMER-Massachusetts and PRIMER-Israel, while remaining active as president emeritus of PRIMER-Connecticut. (PRIMER is an acronym for Promoting Responsibility In Middle East Reporting.) I remain available for workshops on letter writing and for speaking on various aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict. My favorite topic is "Inconvenient Truths the Anti-Israel Activists Don't Want You to Know." The notes from one version of that talk are available at and an abbreviated list of inconvenient truths may be found at If you're interested in having me speak, send me an email. Shortly after I retired, before I got too busy to get tied down teaching courses, I led some non-mathematical courses on the Arab-Israeli conflict for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at the Waterbury Campus. The courses were The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Cutting Through the Myths & Misinformation and The Arab-Israeli Conflict Part II: Cutting Through the Myths & Misinformation and Negotiating a Solution. The description of the first course was: The Arab-Israeli conflict has for more than six decades been given an enormous amount of attention by the world and attracts a disproportionate amount of coverage in the media. Much of the dialog is driven by a lack of understanding of basic issues and misleading terminology. The course will review the history, missed opportunities and commonly held myths, including false information propagated by figures as prominent as a former president of the United States. We will examine the current situation and discuss remedies which might eventually lead to a resolution of the conflict.The description for the second course was: For more than six decades, the Arab-Israeli conflict has been given an enormous amount of attention by the world and attracts a disproportionate amount of coverage in the media. Much of the dialog is driven by a lack of understanding of basic issues and misleading terminology. We will examine commonly-held myths, including false information propagated by figures as prominent as a former president of the U.S., and negotiating teams will attempt to come up with a reasonable agreement ending the Palestinian Arab-Israeli portion of the conflict.
The following items are of interest for all students taking or planning to take mathematics courses:Other Information Regarding Courses I've Taught RecentlyNew Numbering System
Mathematics 1050 | (108) Mathematical Modeling in the Environment |
Mathematics 1070 (105) Mathematics for Business and Economics | |
Mathematics 1071 (106) Calculus for Business and Economics | |
Mathematics 1132 (116) Calculus II | |
Mathematics 2110 (210) Multivariable Calculus |
Mathematics 101 | Basic Algebra with Applications |
Mathematics 102 | Problem Solving |
Mathematics 103 | Elementary Discrete Mathematics |
Mathematics 105 | Mathematics for Business and Economics |
Mathematics 106 | Calculus for Business and Economics |
Mathematics 107 | Elementary Mathematical Modeling |
Mathematics 108 | Mathematical Modeling in the Environment |
Mathematics 109 | Algebra and Trigonometry |
Mathematics 115 | Calculus I |
Mathematics 116 | Calculus II |
Mathematics 210 | Multivariable Calculus |
Mathematics 211 | Elementary Differential Equations |
Mathematics 216 | Abstract Algebra |
Mathematics 227 | Applied Linear Algebra |
Statistics 110 | Elementary Concepts of Statistics |
The information on the above courses is based on the last time I taught each of them but students may find it helpful in terms of getting an idea of what is involved in each course. Other information about most mathematics courses, including syllabi used by other instructors, is available at the Mathematics Department Home Page.
Students planning their schedules will also find the UCONN/WATERBURY MATHEMATICS COURSE GUIDE invaluable as a way to learn about the different mathematics courses offered at the Waterbury Campus.
Students who are unable to complete their assignments on time might wish to compare their reasons with the Top Ten Excuses for Not Doing Math Homework.