Random Lecture Notes and Slides

Reed Solomon

Here is a copy of my thesis written at Cornell University under the direction of Richard Shore.

Here is a set of lecture notes on Pi^0_1 classes that I wrote for a graduate course at Notre Dame in 2002. These notes are a mish-mash of notation and come from many different sources.

Here is a set of lecture notes of just enough descriptive set theory to get to a proof that every uncountable analytic subset of a Polish space has size continuum.

Here are the slides from the tutorial on computable algebra that I gave at the Logic Colloquium 2004 in Turin. Unfortunately, these slides don't include some of the hand drawn pictures, but hopefully they are useful even without them.

Here is a set of lecture notes on the Dual Ramsey Theorem that I put together for a series of lectures at the University of Notre Dame.

Here are the slides for my talk on central series in computable nilpotent groups from the Computability Theory Workshop 2011.

Here are slides for my talk on stability and posets at the AMS Meeting at Holy Cross College, April 2011.

Here are slides for my talk on Degrees of orders on torsion-free abelian groups at the 2013 Joint Math Meetings.

Here are the slides for my talk on Separating principles below Ramsey's Theorem for Pairs at the 2013 Asian Logic Conference.

Here are the slides for a talk on partial results on the complexity of finding roots in Puiseux and Hahn fields from Oberwolfach, January 2018.