Math 116, Section 4 Spring, 2002

Calculus II

Instructor: J. F. Hurley, whose office is MSB 218 (office telephone: 486-2404).
Office Hours: Regular Consultation Hours are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 to 11:50 AM. Other times are available by appointment. Or you can avail yourself of the instructor's electronic office hours by clicking on the preceding link.

Course Grades are now available, by PeopleSoft ID number. Click on the link to see a summary of individual grade items (Exams 1 and 2, Term Project, Quiz, Homework and Worksheet scores) as well as the Final Exam grade and course total points and grade. Note: Due to rounding, sums of the (integer) entries in some rows may not give the exact sum of Total Points showing. In adding, the field MT Sum was added in place of Exam 1 + Exam 2. In most cases, those entries are the same, but for students whose performance on the final exam was better than on the midterms, MT Sum is the mean between Exam 1 + Exam 2 and the percent scores on Final Exam Parts 1 and 2.

Change in Syllabus Note that Section 11.4 is being skipped. Moreover, Sections 9.1 and 11.3 will not appear on the Final Exam!

Review Session for Final Exam Thursday, May 9, 1:00 − 2:30 PM, MSB 215.

Students looking to join study groups, click here.

Programs Available in MSB 203. The Math 116 folder contains serveral True BASIC programs, Mathematica notebooks and Maple worksheets for series of constants and Taylor series/polynomials, as well as integration by partial-fraction decomposition. The True BASIC program GraphRegBet2Curv graphs the region between two curves, and the Mathematica Notebook SurfRevol.nb plots surfaces of revolution. The Numerical Integration folder has a number of programs for numerical approximation of definite integrals by means of the midpoint, trapezoidal and Simpson rules. The Semilog folder has a Mathematica notebook that does semilog plotting of data. If you have any questions about using these that the computer lab monitor can't resolve, consult the instructor.

Alternatives to text derivations are available. The first one shows that the real number e arises as a limit: Equation (9) on p. 467, Section 7.4*.

Homework/due dates:

  • February 4.
    Sections 5.2, 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, 6.1: all Suggested Exercises.
    Section 6.2: Suggested exercises, except for 6 (replaced by 7), 26, 40, 55, 60; V-students also omit 43, but turn in computer plots for Exercises 1, 5 and 33. (Extra credit for a plot for the surface in Problem 35.)
  • February 11.
    Section 7.1: all suggested exercises; exception: V students substitute Exercise 47 for Exercise 21.
    Sections 7.2*, 7.3*: All suggested exercises, except 2, 11, 65 in Section 7.2* and 19 in Section 7.3*.
  • February 18:
    Section 7.4*: All suggested exercises, except 1.
    Section 10.4: Suggested exercises, except for Exercise 7. Q students replace it by Exercise 8; V students replace it by handout questions.
    Section 7.5: Suggested excercises, except delete Exercise 47.
  • February 25:
    Section 7.7: All suggested exercises, except 18 in place of 17.
    Section 8.1: all suggested exercises
    Section 8.2: all suggested exercises, except for 25 and 31
  • March 4:
    Section 8.4: Suggested exercises, except that V students replace Exercise 8 by Exercise 67(a).
    Section 8.7: Suggested exercises, except for Exercise 31. In Exercise 17, V students use computer resources to calculate the value of the integral correct to six decimal places.
  • March 11:
    Section 8.8: Suggested exercises.
    Section 12.1: Suggested exercises.
  • April 1:
    Section 12.2: Suggested exercises.
    Section 12.3: Suggested exercises.
    Section 12.4: Suggested excercises, except delete Exercise 37.
  • April 8:
    Section 12.5: Suggested exercises
    Section 12.6: Suggested exercises
  • April 15:
    Section 12.8: Suggested exercises, except delete Exercise 27
    Section 12.9: Suggested exercises, except delete Exercise 16
    Section 12.10: Suggested exercises, except delete Exercises 15 and 18
  • April 23:
    Sections 11.1, 11.2: Suggested exercises.
  • April 29:
    Section 9.1: Suggested exercises, except V students replace Exercise 8 by Exercise 30.
    Section 11.3: Suggested exercises, except V students replace Exercises 4 and 10 by Exercises 12 and 19.
    Section 11.4: Suggested exercises.
    Section 13.1: Suggested exercises.
  • May 6:
    Section 13.2: Suggested exercises
    Section 13.3: Suggested exercises except for Exercise 9
    Section 13.4: Suggested exercises (The ones deleted in class had previously been removed from the list of suggested problems.)