Current Courses :
- Fall 2024: Fourier Analysis (Math 5140)
Past Courses :
- Summer 2024: Applied Linear Algebra (Math 2210Q)
- Fall 2023: Transition to Advanced Mathematics (Math 2710)
- Fall 2023: Introduction to Modern Analysis (Math 5110)
- Summer 2023: Applied Linear Algebra (Math 2210Q)
- Fall 2022: Analysis I (Math 3150)
- Spring 2022: Complex Function Theory (Math 5120)
- Fall 2021: Functional Analysis (Math 5130)
- Spring 2021: Singular Integrals and Applications (Math 5010-Topics Course)
- Spring 2021: Measure and Integration (Math 5111)
- Fall 2020: Transition to Advanced Mathematics (Math 2710)
- Fall 2020: Ergodic Theory and Conformal Dynamics (Math 5121-Topics Course)
- Spring 2020: Transition to Advanced Mathematics (Math 2710 W)
- Spring 2019: Fourier Analysis and Applications (Math 3094)
- Spring 2019: Measure and Integration (Math 5111)
- Fall 2018: Analysis I (Math 3150)
- Spring 2018: Transition to Advanced Mathematics (Math 2710)
Fall 2017: Functional Analysis (Math 5130)
- Fall 2017: Transition to Advanced Mathematics (Math 2710)
Spring 2017: Fourier Analysis II (Math 5141)
Fall 2016: Fourier Analysis (Math 5140)
- Fall 2016: Transition to Advanced Mathematics (Math 2710)
- Spring 2015: Measure and Integration (Math 5111)
- Fall 2015: Analysis I (Math 3150)