Mathematical Poetry at Bridges 2024

  A reading in the afternoon
  Sunday, August 4, 3:00 - 5:00 pm
  Science Museum of Virginia , Room: RF& P Forum
2500 West Broad Street

Richmond, Virginia

                                 The Program                                                   

                               Coordinated by Sarah Glaz, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Connecticut and poet, the Bridges poetry readings feature poetry with strong links to mathematics, a great variety
                              of topics, and a wide range of poetic styles. This year's poetry reading offers the work of a diverse and exciting group of poets. The program will begin with twelve prominent poets reading selections
                               from their work,
followed by an Open Mic and Shorter Readings period in which Bridges 2024 participants will read their own mathematical poems. The poetry reading is part of the Bridges 2024
                               conference's Family Day, which is free and open to the public. Details about the venue and the program will be posted here as we get closer to the conference's date.
The Bridges 2024 Poetry Reading
                               website offers along with biographical information, links to sample
poems by the participating poets. Information about past Bridges Poetry Readings, Bridges Poetry  Anthologies, and related poetry 
                               publications by the Bridges poets appears on the Bridges
organization site at: Mathematical Poetry at Bridges.

I am happy to share with you the lovely Bridges 2024 Cento: Observe, Think, Know! composed by JoAnne Growney,
consisting of a line of poetry from each of the sample poems of the participating poets known to date.
How harmoniously our voices blend together! Thank you, JoAnne!
About the Coordinator and the Invited Poets
Sarah Glaz

Sarah Glaz's poetry collection, Ode to Numbers (Antrim House, 2017) was a finalist for both Next Generation Indie Book Awards and Book Excellence Awards. Sarah is Emeritus Professor of Mathematics at the University of Connecticut specializing in the mathematical area of Commutative Ring Theory. Her poetry, poetry translations, collaborative work with visual artists, and articles on the connections between mathematics and poetry appeared in a variety of literary and mathematical journals, edited volumes, and anthologies. Sarah serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of Mathematics and the Arts, for which she guest-edited the special issue Poetry and Mathematics. She co-edited the poetry anthology, Strange Attractors: Poems of Love and Mathematics (CRC Press, 2008), and as the coordinator of the poetry readings at the annual Bridges conferences, she edits the Bridges Poetry Anthologies.

Sample poem:
I am a pentagon  

Susan Gerofsky 

Susan Gerofsky is an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education and Environmental Education at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Her interdisciplinary research is in embodied, multisensory, multimodal mathematics education through the arts, movement, gesture and voice. She works in curriculum studies, environmental garden-based education, the language and genres of mathematics education, and media theory. Dr. Gerofsky is academic advisor and co-founder of the UBC Orchard Garden, a student-led campus learning garden. She is active as a poet, playwright, musician and filmmaker, and also works with dance and fiber arts. You'll often find her cycling around town with a baritone horn or an accordion. Susan contributed to the award-winning book, Poetic Inquiry: Enchantment of Place (Vernon Press, 2017) and has a verse play, Kepler: A Renaissance Folk Play, published in The Mathematical Intelligencer (2018).


Sample poem: Glided, gilded and Barely, bleary

Luisa A Igloria

Luisa A. Igloria authored Caulbearer (Immigrant Writing Series Prize, Black Lawrence Press; forthcoming 2024), Maps for Migrants and Ghosts (Co-Winner, 2019 Crab Orchard Open Poetry Prize), The Buddha Wonders if She is Having a Mid-Life Crisis (2018), 12 other books, and 4 chapbooks. She co-edited Dear Human at the Edge of Time: Poems on Climate Change in the U.S. (Paloma Press, 2023), offered as a companion to the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA5). Originally from Baguio City, Philippines, she makes her home in Norfolk, VA where she is the Louis I. Jaffe and University Professor of English and Creative Writing at Old Dominion University's MFA Creative Writing Program. Luisa is the twentieth Poet Laureate of the Commonwealth of Virginia (2020 - 2022), Emerita. During her term, the Academy of American Poets awarded her a 2021 Poet Laureate Fellowship.



Sample poem: Infinity is not a number

Gizem Karaali

Gizem Karaali is a Professor of Mathematics at Pomona College. She earned a Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley, in 2004. Her mathematical research lies in the areas of representation theory, super quantum groups, and algebraic combinatorics. Her scholarly interests include humanistic mathematics, quantitative literacy, and social justice implications of mathematics and mathematics education. Gizem is a founding editor of the Journal of Humanistic Mathematics and a senior editor of Numeracy. She has organized panels, paper sessions, and poetry readings, and presented invited addresses to diverse audiences. She received a National Security Agency Young Investigator Award (2011 - 2013), served as chair of SIGMAA-QL (2017 - 2020), and is a Sepia Dot (2006 Project NExT fellow). Gizem enjoys traveling, reading and writing, and hanging out with friends and family.


Sample poem: A mother's math is never done 

Lisa Lajeunesse

Lisa Lajeunesse is a professor of Mathematics at Capilano University in North Vancouver. As an undergraduate, she studied mathematics and music. Before embarking on graduate studies in mathematics, she worked for ten years with Telesat Canada on the launch and control of Canada's communication satellites. At Capilano University, she has developed and taught courses on the connections between mathematics and the arts to reach out to non-science students, and to express her lifelong passion for creative writing, music and other art forms. During a sabbatical in 2016/2017 she wrote a textbook for these courses, which prompted her to attend Bridges for the first time. Since then, she has adapted popular logic puzzles to encode poetry so that the solving of each puzzle unlocks a poem. A sample of Lisa's poetry may be found her website.

Sample poem: Strong mathematical induction

Larry Lesser 

Lawrence (Larry) Lesser is a UTEP Distinguished Teaching Professor at The University of Texas at El Paso. He has co-organized JMM mathematical poetry evenings, judged AMS student poetry contests, and his mathematical poems have appeared in venues such as The Mathematical IntelligencerJournal of Humanistic Mathematics, Amstat News, Journal of the Association of Mexican American Educators, Talking Writing, Teaching for Excellence and Equity in Mathematics, Bridges anthologies, blogs,, GAS video zine, Relatively Prime podcast, gallery exhibits, NPR radio, and a National Endowment for the Arts 'Big Read' event. He gave an invited poetry talk for the National Museum of Mathematics and his STEM poems have won prizes in 4 national organizations' contests. He also has awards for his STEM, Jewish, and secular songwriting.  His STEM poems and STEM poetry papers are at his website.

Sample poem:

Marco Luccesi         

Marco Lucchesi,  Professor of Comparative Literature at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, is a Brazilian poet, novelist, essayist and translator. Elected to the Brazilian Academy of Letters in 2011, Marco served as its president from 2018 to 2021. He is former editor-in-chief of the journal, Revista Brasileira, and the poetry magazine, Poesia Sempre, and the current president of the National Library of Brazil. His publications include over twenty-five award winning books and works of translation, among others Novos Poemas Reunidos [New Collected Poems], Hinos Matematicos [Mathematical Hymns], and translations of Rumi, Khlebnikov, and Rilke. His work has been widely anthologized and translated into more than ten languages. His literary honors include the Jabuti Prize, the Romanian Latin Prize, the Ministry of Italian Culture Prize, and Alceu Amoroso Lima, a lifetime achievement award in poetry. 


Sample poem: Nascita di Venere

Emily Lutken

E. R. Lutken's collection Manifold: poetry of mathematics (3: A Taos Press, 2021) won the New Mexico First Book Award 2022. By training, Emily Lutken is a family physician. She graduated from Duke University, and U.T. Southwestern Medical School. After residency, she worked in urban emergency rooms, then with International Medical Corps teaching and caring for refugees, and for the majority of her career on the Navajo Nation. After retiring from medicine, she taught middle and high school science and mathematics in rural Colorado for six more years, and developed an interest in cross-curricular activities with the humanities. Now she spends time writing poetry, and fishing in the swamps of Louisiana and mountain streams of New Mexico. Her poems often involve science and mathematics, and have appeared in a variety of journals and anthologies.
Sample poem: Emmy Noether and the conservation of hope


Alice Major

Alice Major's twelveth collection of poetry is Knife on Snow (Turnstone Press, 2023). Along with poetry, she is also an essayist, and her book, Intersecting Sets: A Poet Looks at Science, has been awarded the Wilfrid Eggleston Award for non-fiction. Her interest in mathematics began at the age of twelve, when she was introduced to non-Euclidean geometry in one of Martin Gardner's books.  Ever since, like Percy Bysshe Shelley, she turns to math and science "to replenish my store of metaphor." Among her other writing awards are the 2017 Lieutenant-Governor of Alberta Distinguished Artist Award and an honorary doctorate from the University of Alberta. She has been president of the League of Canadian Poets, first poet laureate for her home city of Edmonton (Canada), and is the founder of the Edmonton Poetry Festival.                                                                                                        

Sample poem:
Three-body problem

 Kaz Maslanka  

Kaz Maslanka received a BFA in Sculpture from Wichita State University, where he also studied music, mathematics and physics. He has been involved in the arts for over 50 years and has been pioneering mathematical visual poetry since the early 1980's. He maintains a strong international presence on his blog "Mathematical Poetry" and with exhibitions of his work. Among Kaz's awards and recognitions is a nomination for a Pushcart prize in poetry, and the appearance of a poem in the 2020 'Page A Day' calendar published by the AMS. He lives in San Diego, California, and serves as curator for the San Diego based "Sonic Arts Studio," a group of composers and musicians devoted to microtonal music. He also served on the advisory board of the Bronowski Art and Science Forum in Del Mar, California. 

Sample poem: Hwadu


Dan May  

Dan May is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at Black Hills State University in Spearfish, South Dakota, where he enjoys spending the majority of his time teaching all levels of undergraduate mathematics to primarily math education majors. In the gaps of that teaching load, he explores connections between mathematics and poetry. He is grateful for this community of mathematical poets who engage in similar pursuits. He also thinks about the combinatorics of card games such as Set and Spot It. Dan spends his summers working with Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM), a mathematics enrichment program for under-served public middle school students in New York City and Los Angeles. Dan also moonlights as a musicologist, and has presented several seminar talks on a variety of musical genres at his university.

Sample poem: Eight minutes

Pedro Poitevin 

The winner of the 2021 Juana Goergen Poetry Prize for his poem Sueno de la cercania, Pedro Poitevin has published six books, among them Letras Griegas (Praxis, 2022), Icaro hace piruetas en las nubes (Urania, 2023), and Nowhere at Home (Penteract Press, 2023). The author of more than ten million palindromic sonnets, a sonnetina, the shortest decima, the shortest pangram, and a number of enciphered sonnets, and widely known as a leading contemporary experimental poet in the Spanish language, Poitevin occasionally writes in English as well. Among his most noteworthy experiments is his poem A Doomsday Prayer for the Polluting Ape, which can be said to be the longest sonnet in the world. A logician and functional analyst by training, he is Associate Professor of mathematics at Salem State University.

Sample poem: I feel the memory of writing you


Stephanie Strickland's ten books of poetry include How the Universe Is Made: Poems New & Selected (2019) and Ringing the Changes (2020), a code-generated project for print based on the ancient art of tower bell-ringing. Others are True NorthDragon Logic, and The Red Virgin: A Poem of Simone Weil. Her twelve collaborative works of digital literature include Liberty Ring!; slippingglimpse, which maps text to Atlantic wave patterns; House of Trust, an homage to free public libraries; and Ours/Hours of the Night, an MP4 PowerPoint poem probing age and sleep. Strickland's digital poems have been featured at the Library of Congress and Bibliotheque Nationale de France. Her work across print and multiple media is being collected by Duke University. In 2023 she was awarded the Lifetime Career Achievement Award by the Electronic Literature Organization.

Sample poem: The infinite stops between our fingers

Open Microphone, Shorter Readings, and Late Additions

Kate Jones

Kate Jones
Kadon Enterprises, Inc. Maryland, USA 

Sample poem: Climate Extinction

Susana Sulic   

Susana Sulic
Paris, France


Sample poem: Stars in a Poem

Kevin Farey


Kevin Farey
San Francisco Waldorf High School, California, USA


Sample poemIterating Z2+C at Heart Lake

Doug Norton

Douglas Norton
Villanova University, Villanova, Pennsylvania, USA

Sample multimedia work: Bridges Halifax July 2023

More to come...

Attention Bridges 2024 participants!

Bridges 2024 participants are invited to read their mathematical poems in this second part of the reading. If you are interested, please contact Sarah Glaz by email ( or in person at the conference. More information at: Call for Open Mic Poems!
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