- Math 3160, Probability (Fall 2018, 2 sections; Fall 2019, 2 sections; Spring 2020; Spring 2021, 2 Sections)
- Math 3146, Introduction to Complex Varables (Fall 2014, Fall 2016, Fall 2017, Fall 2018)
- Math 2110Q, Multivariable Calculus (Fall 2015, two sections; Summer 2017)
- Math 5160, Probability I (Fall 2016, Fall 2020)
- Math 5161, Probability II(Spring 2015)
- Math 5016, Topics in Probability (Fall 2017)
- Math 5010, Topics in Analysis (Spring 2016)
- Math 3170, Stochastic Processes (Spring 2022)
- Math 5131, Topics in Functional Analysis and Machine Learning (Spring 2022)