# tex2bib
      Author='Michael Friendly (friendly@yorku.ca)';

#   Input a TeX document containing \bibitems, translate these
#   to BibTeX format
# Usage:
#		tex2bib [-k][-i infile] [-o outfile]
#		-k:  regenerate keys
#		if infile not given, reads from stdin
#		if outfile not given, prints to stdout

# The entire tex document is scanned for \bibitems, ending when
# the string '\end{thebibliography}' is read.

# Assumes that bibitems are formatted as follows:
#  -- {key}author(s), (date) at the beginning
#  -- titles of books or names of journals: {\em title}
#  -- article titles: 	after date, `` '' quotes optional
#  -- volume, pages: 	{\it vol}, nnn-nnn.
#  -- publisher/address:    address:publisher
#  All text in the bibitem which cannot be parsed is included
#  in a note = { } field
# Examples of a book, article, inproceedings:

#\bibitem{Bertin83}Bertin, J. (1983),
#        {\em Semiology of Graphics} (trans. W. Berg).  Madison, WI:
#        University of Wisconsin Press.
#\bibitem{Bickel75}Bickel, P. J., Hammel, J. W. and O'Connell, J. W.
#        (1975).
#        Sex bias in graduate admissions: data from Berkeley.  {\em
#        Science}, {\it 187}, 398-403.
#\bibitem{Farebrother87}Farebrother, R. W. (1987),
#        ``Mechanical representations of the ${L}_1$ and ${L}_2$ estimation
#        problems'', In Y. Dodge (ed.)  {\em Statistical data analysis
#        based on the L1 norm and related methods}, Amsterdam:
#        North-Holland., 455-464.

# These are output as:

#@Book{  Bertin:83,
#    author      = {J. Bertin},
#    year        = 1983,
#    title       = {Semiology of Graphics},
#    publisher   = {University of Wisconsin Press},
#    address     = {Madison, WI},
#    note        = {(trans. W. Berg).}
#@Article{       Bickel:75,
#    author      = {Bickel, P. J. and Hammel, J. W. and O'Connell, J. W.},
#    year        = 1975,
#    title       = {Sex Bias in Graduate Admissions: Data from Berkeley},
#    journal     = {Science},
#    volume      = 187,
#    pages       = {398-403}
#@InCollection{  Farebrother:87,
#    author      = {R. W. Farebrother},
#    year        = 1987,
#    title       = {Mechanical Representations of the ${L}_1$ and ${L}_2$ Estimation Problems},
#    booktitle   = {Statistical Data Analysis Based on the L1 Norm and Related Methods},
#    editor      = {Y. Dodge},
#    publisher   = {North-Holland},
#    address     = {Amsterdam},
#    pages       = {455-464}

# Text in a bibitem is removed from the bibitem as it is assigned to
# bibtex fields.  Any text remaining is assigned to a note={  } field
# at the end.  Since the parsing is heuristic, some manual fixup work
# can be expected at the end.
