Welcome to Tom Roby's Math 2150 homepage! (Winter 2000)

(last updated: 6 March 1900)

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Class Information

COORDINATES: Lectures meet Tues/Thur. 4:00--5:50 (#10382) in Sci Science 213.

TEXT: Edgar G. Goodaire & Michale M. Parmenter Discrete Mathematics with Graph Theory (Prentice Hall).

WEB RESOURCE: http://seki.mcs.csuhayward.edu/~troby/2150.html will be my Math 2150 homepage. It will include a copy of the syllabus and list of homework assignments. I will keep this updated throughout the quarter.

GRADING: Your grade will be based on two exams, weekly quizzes, homework, participation and a portfolio of your work.

The breakdown of points is:

Exam 1 Exam 2 Quizzes Homework Participation Portfolio
25% 25% 20% 10% 10% 10%

The only way to learn mathematics is by doing it! Complete each assignment to the best of your ability, and get help when you are confused. Come to class prepared with questions. Don't hesitate to seek help from other students. Sometimes the point of view of someone who has just figured something out can be the most helpful.

Lecture and Assignment Schedule

Please read the sections from the book listed before the date of the first lecture on that material.

Selected homework answers (not solutions) are available here after the homework is due. Note that you must always show your work to receive credit.

Section: Topic Lect. Date Homework problems Due
Chapter 0: Proofs 1/4 T #1,2,3bdfghi,4cde,5ace,6,8,13,16,18 1/13
§ 1.1-2: Sets 1/6 R 1.1: #3,4,6,10bdf; 1.2: 11,16,21,23,26 1/13
§ 4.1: Mathematical induction 1/11 T #3,5bc,8c,9c,12,14 1/25
§ 4.2: Recursive sequences 1/11 T #8,19,20,23,32 1/25
§ 4.3.: Characteristic Polynomial 1/13 R #8,9,10,19,23bc 1/25
§ 5.1: Inclusion-Exclusion 1/18 T #4,7,11,14,16 1/27
§ 5.2: Rules of Sum & Product 1/18 T #5,6abc,12,15,16,20,21 1/27
§ 5.3: Pigeon-Hole Principle 1/25 T #5,18 2/3
§ 6.1: Permutations 1/25 T # 4,5,7,9,11,15 2/3
§ 6.2: Combinations 1/27 R #4,9,7,10,15,22,23b,25b 2/3
§ 6.3: Comb. w/ repetitions 1/27 R # 2,7,15b,17,18 2/3
§ 6.4: Derangements 2/1 T #6,8 2/10
§ 6.5: Binomial Theorem 2/1 T #8,10,13,21b 2/10
§ 8.1: Graphs 2/3 R #1,6,7,9 2/17
Exam 1: MOVED TO 2/10 R
§ 8.2: Graph properties 2/15 T #14bc,15b,17defg,22,26,30 2/24
§ 8.3: Graph Isomorphisms 2/15 T #4acd,8,9 2/24
§ 9.1: Eulerian Circuits 2/17 R #5,8,11,15,21 2/24
§ 9.2: Hamiltonian Circuits 2/22 T #3ab,4,7,8,14,16 3/2
§ 9.3: Adjacency Matrix 2/22 T #1,2,4 3/2
§ 11.1: Trees 2/24 R #3,4,8,9a 3/2
§ 11.2: Tree Props 2/24 R #4,10,11 3/2
§ 11.3: Spanning Trees 2/29 T #3,5,6 3/9
§ 11.4: Minimum ST algorithms 2/29 T #1bc, 3 3/9
§ Boolean Algs (Handout) 3/2 R § 9.1: #3,5,6,15,20,25; § 9.2: #2b,3b,4b,8,15 3/9
Exam 2: 3/9 T

HOMEWORK: Homework will be given for each lecture, and all the homework assigned the previous week will be due the following Thursday. Please attempt all the problems by Tuesday, so that you can ask any questions you may have in class then. Except for routine computations, you should always give reasons to support your work and explain what you're doing. Not all the problems will be graded, but only a small subset. Please write your solutions carefully.

You do not need to hand in the answers to [BB] problems (or parts of problems), but you should do them to prepare for...

QUIZZES: There will be a short quiz at the end of class each Tuesday on the previous week's material. I will try to be very specific about what you should know. Generally they will be very similar to "Pauses" that the book scatters throughout each section to help you check your understanding, and the "[BB]" problems for which the book provides the answers in the Back of the Book.

EXAMS: Tuesday, 8 February and Thursday 9 March 4:00--5:50 in class, Rearrange your schedule NOW if necessary.

PARTICIPATION: I expect you to generally show up prepared for class and willing to work. Please read the section(s) to be covered by the day before class, and send email to 2150@seki.mcs.csuhayward.edu with at least five (5) statements or questions about the reading. This will help me focus classtime where you need it most. The questions can be anything from "What does the following sentence from the text mean..." to "Why is it important that the derivative measures the slope?" If you don't have any questions, then come up with five sentences that describe the main points of the reading. Twelve such emails over the course of the quarter will count as full credit. (Note that it doesn't apply to Review or Test Days.)

PORTFOLIO: Please organize your work neatly in some sort of binder (e.g., 3-ring), so that you can refer to all your classnotes, homework assignments, quizzes, exams, handouts, and emails on the reading. I will check them at the end of the term. This will not only help you during the class, but also later when you want to recall something you learned but can't quite remember. It gives you a permanent record of what you learned even if you sell your book.

Other Items of Interest