Welcome to Tom Roby's Math 2150 homepage! (Spring 1999)
(last updated: 20 May 1999)
Questions or Comments?
- send me email:
- Homepage:
- office: Warren Hall 783, phone: 510-885-2691
- office hours: Tuesday 12:20--1:50 and Tuesday/Thursday 6:00--6:45, and by
appointment. I encourage you to come to scheduled office hours if possible.
I'm happy to answer questions by email, which I check frequently.
Class Information
Coordinates: Lectures meet Tues/Thur. 10:00--11:50 (#10085) in
Sci S. 205.
Text: Edgar G. Goodaire & Michale M. Parmenter Discrete
Mathematics with Graph Theory (Prentice Hall).
Web resource: http://www.mcs.csuhayward.edu/~troby/2150.html
will be my Math 2150 homepage. It will include a copy of the syllabus
and list of homework assignments. I will keep this updated throughout
the quarter.
Grading: There will be daily homework assignments (handed in
weekly on Thursdays), weekly quizzes (given on Tuesdays), one midterm exam
given in class, and a final. Late homework will generally not be
accepted, and no makeup exams will be given, but your two lowest
homework and quiz scores will be dropped before grades are computed.
The breakdown of points is:
Homework | Quizzes | Midterm | Final
25% | 25% | 25% | 25%
Homework: Homework will be given for each lecture, and all the
homework assigned the previous week will be due the following Thursday.
Please attempt all the problems by Tuesday, so that you can ask any
questions you may have in class then. Except for routine computations,
you should always give reasons to support your work and explain what
you're doing. Not all the problems will be graded, but only a small
subset; most of the ones assigned have answers in the back so you can
tell if you're on the right track. This makes it more important that
you write your solutions carefully.
Quizzes: There will be a short quiz at the end of class each
Tuesday on the assigned reading. I will try to be very specific about what
you should know. If you're not sure, please ask!
Midterm Exam: Tuesday May 4 10:00-11:50 in class. Rearrange your
schedule NOW if necessary.
Final Exam: Thursday June 10 10:00-11:50 (in usual classroom) This
will cover material from the entire course.
The only way to learn mathematics is by doing it! Complete each
assignment to the best of your ability, and get help when you are confused.
Come to class prepared with questions. Don't hesitate to seek help from
other students. Sometimes the point of view of someone who has just figured
something out can be the most helpful.
Homework Assignments
Homework is usually due on Thursdays
at the beginning of class. Try to start it early so you have the
opportunity to ask questions the Tuesday before. I will try to keep a
couple of weeks ahead, so those of you who would like to work ahead can.
Selected homework answers (not solutions) are available here after the homework is due. Note
that you must always show your work to receive credit.