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The following is a short summary of the key rules for calculating derivatives. Keep in mind that knowing how to calculate derivatives is useless unless you know what they are and how to use them.
There are two types of formulas for calculating derivatives, which we may classify as
Note that these formulas may be used only to calculate derivatives of functions in precisely the form indicated. The name of the independent variable is irrelevant--it is the form that is important. For example, the power rule may be used to calculate that d/dx (x5) = 5x4 or that d/du (u5) = 5u4, but gives us no help at all with d/du (x5).
All other formulas, the structural type formulas, reduce derivatives of more complicated functions until we merely need to apply the above formulas a number of times.
These formulas may be divided into two groups; one group is used almost without thought, while the other group needs to be carefully memorized.
In the following, assume that x, y, u, v and t are variables, while c and k are constants.
The first group of formulas, which is used almost without thought, may be expressed as:
Symbolically, we write these rules as:
When we apply these rules, we say that we are differentiating "term by term." Using these rules along with the power rule, it is very easy to differentiate any polynomial. Some special cases such as the following come up so often that we tend to take them for granted:
The last three rules are somewhat more difficult. They are called the product rule, the quotient rule and the chain rule. Of these, the product and quotient rules can be used routinely, since it is easy to recognize when you have a product or quotient, but it is more difficult and takes more practice to use the chain rule correctly.
The product rule may be thought of as the derivative of a product equals the first factor times the derivative of the second plus the second factor times the derivative of the first.
The quotient rule may be thought of as the derivative of a quotient equals the denominator times the derivative of the numerator minus the numerator times the derivative of the denominator, all divided by the square of the denominator.
Symbolically, we express these rules as follows:
However, we should remember the rules in words rather than trying to memorize jumbles of symbols.
The chain rule, as mentioned before, is a little trickier to use. Fortunately, its formula is easier to remember than some of the others.
As usual, remember the meaning, especially since the symbols x,y and u are not necessarily the ones that will be used in the function you will be differentiating.
The chain rule is used for calculating the derivatives of composite functions. The easiest way to recognize that you are dealing with a composite function is by the process of elimination: if none of the other rules apply, then you have a composite function. This makes it very important to be totally familiar with the other rules for differentiation. The difficult part of using the chain rule is recognizing that you need it and then doing the algebra necessary to decompose the function. We have looked at two ways of doing that in class. Study them and, if you have difficulty, see your instructor. Once you have decomposed the function, so that you have written down something in the form
y = f(u)
u = g(x),
it is easy to actually carry out the rest of the chain rule. For example, given the function y=√(x2 + 5) you would write something like
y = u1/2
u = x2 + 5
and then, since d/du(u1/2) = (1/2)u-1/2 and d/dx(x2 + 5) = 2x, we get
dy/dx = (dy/du) · (du/dx) = (1/2)u-1/2 · 2x = x/√(x2 + 5).
The following is a general approach to calculating derivatives which, if followed, will enable you to routinely calculate every derivative we run across in the class. It depends on your being able to recognize individual terms, constant factors, products and quotients and also being able to rewrite functions in a more useful style, such as being able to recognize that something like x/50 can be rewritten as (1/50) ·x or that √x can be rewritten as x1/2.
If the term isn't a product or a quotient, you will need to use the Chain Rule. Try to use it correctly.
If you have difficulty decomposing a composite function into components,
consider the following two methods which, together, work on almost all
composite functions ordinarily encountered in elementary calculus. Shown
below is how each method works on the same function, y = sin(x2).
In this method, think of a function as a black box which takes an input,
the value of the independent variable, and produces an output,
the value of the function corresponding to that value of the
independent variable.
To use this method, try to break up the black box into two
separate black boxes, the second of which takes the output of the first as
its input. This can generally be done by carefully considering how one
would calculate the function for a particular value of the independent
Consider how one would evaluate y = sin(x2) for a particular
value of x, say for x = 3. Most people would say that the value would be
sin(9), and might then take out a calculator (a prototypical black
box) to find a decimal approximation to sin(9).
If one thinks about what was actually done, one took the input, 3, and
came up with an output value of 9 by squaring 3. One then takes 9 as input
and comes up with the output of sin(9).
One can see that, in general, one would calculate y by taking x, squaring
it to get x2, and then taking x2 and calculating its
sine. Symbolically,
x --> x2 --> sin(x2) = y.
If one represents the initial output, x2, by the symbol u, one
can write
x --> x2 = u --> sin(u) = y.
By reading right to left, one comes up with the decomposition
y = sin(u),
The Walt Disney Method is based upon the idea of making one's wish come
true. Often one will look at a composite function and, at least
subliminally, wish it were something similar but somewhat simpler. With
this method, one expediently but
mathematically legally makes that wish come true -
at least partially.
Consider again the function y = sin(x2). One might look at that
and wish that it was the simpler function y = sin(x). One makes that wish
almost come true by writing it as y = sin(u), which one can
legally do by letting u = x2.
Looking at that again, one has come up with the decomposition
y = sin(u),
exactly the same one generated through the use of the Black Box Method.
The Walt Disney Method makes use of the general
principles that one can always assign a symbol to represent anything on
wants, provided the symbol isn't already in use, and one can
always replace any expression with anything else equal to it, the
substitution principle.
In general, one implements the Walt Disney Method by looking at the form
of a function y = f(x) and wistfully noticing that it would look like a
much simpler function, say g(x), which would be much easier
to differentiate were some part of it just x. It's also important that
the independent variable x not appear outside of that part. One calls
that part u and has the decomposition
y = g(u),
where h(x) is the part that one wished was just x.
Last modified
Alan H. Stein.
Decomposing Functions
The Black Box Method
u = x2.
The Walt Disney Method
u = x2,
u = h(x),
Virtual Classroom