Statistics 110V-31

Elementary Concepts of Statistics

Spring Semester 2000
Instructor: Alan Stein

  • Meeting Times
  • Textbooks
  • Student Information Form
  • Class Mailing List
  • Course Outlines
  • General Information
  • Exams and Grading
  • Public Opinion Survey Project
  • Meeting Times

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9:30-10:40. Room SE-23.


    General Statistics (Fourth Edition) by Warren Chase and Fred Brown
    John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ISBN 0-471-28310-X

    An Introduction to Data Analysis Using Minitab for Windows by Kathleen McLaughlin and Dorothy Wakefield
    (The exact version will depend on whether or not you wish to purchase the student version of Minitab for your home computer.

    This laboratory manual may be purchased either with or without the student version of Minitab for Windows. For students who, like the instructor, prefer using a Macintosh, a student version of Minitab for the Macintosh may be purchased separately from the UConn Co-op. Unfortunately, it is far more expensive--costing nearly $80--when purchased separately. Minitab is installed on all computers both in the Macintosh laboratory in the Kirschbaum Library and the Windows laboratory in the Classroom Building. Students only need to obtain their own copies of Minitab if they intend to complete their assignments on home computers.

    Laboratory Manual Emergency

    There is some problem with the lab manual for this course every semester. This semester is no different.

    The bookstore has run out of copies of the version of the lab manual which is bundled with the Windows version of Minitab and additional copies will not be available until early to mid-February. Anyone who has not yet purchased that version but wishes to will need to somehow obtain copies of the relevant portions of the lab manual to use for the first few labs. This will be discussed further in class.

    Student Information Form

    Please fill out the online Student Information Form to help your instructor learn more about you.

    Class Mailing List

    An Internet listserv mailing list has been set up for the use of this class. The name of the list is WST110-L@UCONNVM.UCONN.EDU. You can sign up for the mailing list by sending a message containing the single line

    subscribe wst110-l <your name>

    to, where <your name> is replaced by your own name. Alternatively, your instructor will subscribe you once you inform him of your email address.

    It is expected that everyone in the class will subscribe to and participate in the mailing list. Messages may be sent to everyone on the mailing list in the same way any other email message is sent; just address such messages to WST110-L@UCONNVM.UCONN.EDU.

    It is recommended that students check their email regularly. Your instructor will use email to communicate with the entire class between meetings as well as to communicate with individual students.

    Course Outlines

  • Readings and Exercises from the Textbook
  • Minitab Assignments from the Lab Manual
  • It is recommended that you print out both schedules for future reference.

    General Information

    Statistics 110 covers elements of both descriptive and inferential statistics on an elementary level, without the use of Calculus,and with a minimal amount of mathematical sophistication necessary. It includes both standard and nonparametric approaches to statistical analysis; the meaning of that statement will become clear as the semester progresses. Learning to do statistical analysis using a personal computer is an integral part of the course.

    Exams and Grading

    The exams will cover material from the text, lectures and labs. There will be no make-up exams. Computer assignments are due one week after they are discussed. Each computer assignment is worth ten (10) points. There will be a five (5) point penalty for any assignment which is late and no assignment will be accepted more than one week late. A minimum of fifty (50) points must be earned on computer assignments to pass the course.

    The course average will be determined by adding together the grades on the three exams, the computer assignments, any other graded quizzes or assignments, and one and a half times the final exam.
