University of Connecticut
Department of Mathematics

Sarah Glaz

Sarah Glaz

   Professor Emeritus  
Mailing address:
Department of Mathematics 
University of Connecticut
341 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1009 

Email address:
sarah [dot] glaz [at] uconn [dot] edu


Ph.D. 1977        Rutgers University
B.A. 1972         Tel Aviv University
Place of Birth    Bucharest, Romania

ball  Undergraduate Resources: Math Links for Information and Fun
green ball   Selected Course Webpages                                                       
            History of Mathematics, Homological Algebra (Graduate), Commutative Algebra (Graduate),
            Linear Algebra, Mathematical Modeling in the Environment, Multivariable Calculus,
            and College Algebra with Math Modeling Applications
ball   Teaching Awards

ball   My former Ph.D. Students: Su Liang and Ryan Schwarz

Research and Outreach

ball  Research 
           Commutative Algebra and Homological Algebra, Mathematics Education,
           History of Mathematics, and The Connections Between Poetry and Mathematics

ball  Google Scholar Citation Profile

green ball  Videos of Conference Talks and Poetry Readings

green ball  Selected Mentions in the Media

          Scientific Committee Member and Poetry Reading Chair
          Mathematical Poetry at Bridges

green ball  Journal Editorships
         Editorial Board Member (2006-present): International Electronic Journal of Algebra (IEJA)
         Associate Editor (2011-present): Journal of Mathematics and the Arts (JMA).

ball  Curriculum Vitae


  Books and Edited Collections

  Collaborative Art Projects

   Selected Articles

    Selected Poems

  Selected Translations


Last Modified
: Spring 2024, Sarah Glaz